Nikola Tesla Secret

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Nikola Tesla Secret Digital eBook

"Nikola Tesla Secret" is a digital book which shows you how to create a Tesla 'Free Energy Device' to generate - yes, you've got it - FREE energy.

The book consists of high quality content and illustrations. It has been written by professional writers in collaboration with experienced technology experts who specialise in alternative energy sources.

"Nikola Tesla Secret" is written in layman's terms and is the complete solution which we aim to provide to an ever-increasing number of people like you, who want to save on their electricity bills.

I have put some articles in here as well to help give you more information and explain more about this amazing invention.

Nikola Tesla Secret

When you choose to buy through one of the links on this page, you will be offered some great bonuses too (offered bonuses are correct at time of writing): 

Bonus #1 : Magnets 4 Energy 

Bonus #2 : Phone 4 Energy 

Bonus #3 : The Renewable Energy Handbook 

Bonus #4 : Living Green 

Bonus #5 : Gas Saving Devices

Bonus #6 : Fuel Efficient Vehicles 

What's more, if you are not satisfied within 60 days of purchase, we have a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you have ever wanted to build your own generator and benefit from free electricity, then now's your chance. Just click one of the banners.

Nikola Tesla Secret

Suppression of free energy technology

The vision of devices generating electricity from energy sources around us, free of cost, dates long back to the days of the famous scientist, Nicola Tesla. Tesla not only discovered these types of energy resources, but he also owned many patents for inventions based on his vision. He even built a device which proved his concept that electricity can indeed be provided to millions of people around the world without any cost.

So, how come people still have to pay hefty sums to electric companies to meet their everyday energy requirements? The answer lies in money, politics, greed, and self interests of people. Energy companies procure billions of dollars a year in terms of profit, and the last thing these companies need is for the general public to be intimated of the concept of free energy. So they spend millions of dollars towards the suppression of this progressive technology. These corporations have gone and will go through extreme measures involving bribery of government officials, purchase of patents from the inventor, law suits against the inventor, and even acts of violence.

These shock tactics were used even as early as the in days of Nicola Tesla. Tesla was subjected to severe difficulties. His principal investor deliberately held back money for his projects; he was black listed among several potential investors and was prevented from getting funds; in fact, once, his entire laboratory was burned to the ground. Needless to say, a lot of unscrupulous methods continue to be used by today’s corporations as well.

Then there is the problem of basic human nature, that is not optimistic enough to believe in such technology unless proven to them by some big corporation or government agency. In fact, even during Tesla’s days, he was called a dreamer and made fun of. It is human nature to pronounce something as not working, rather that admit to be baffled by its working. Better disparage the idea, than admit our stupidity. In fact, a lot of laws and principles in Science still remain to be discovered, and many of those that have been discovered are not beyond question.

If only, people were less self centered and more open minded! Among countless other advantages, we would have free and clean energy for billions of people on the planet. Tesla’s Secret Device provides the opportunity to at least a few people among the billions to truly reap the benefits of free electricity for their entire household.

Energy from the sky

Free Power systems are devices and techniques that help you harness energy from the sky, or rather from free resources around you, so that you don’t have to pay monthly electricity bills anymore. The devices help you generate usable electricity for your household indefinitely.

There are several methods available to generate electricity from free energy sources. The most popular focuses on three areas that have been proven to be efficient, reliable, and cost effective. Believe it or not, you can use the TV and Radio signals around you to generate electricity. These signals are primarily intended to carry information, but they possess electromagnetic energy that could be converted to electrical energy. Usable current electricity can be generated from static electricity. Radiant energy is always present in the atmosphere, day and night, in the form of solar radiation and cosmic rays. Tesla’s Secret Device provides you appliances that help you harness these free sources of energy to generate electricity for your home.

However, you must keep in mind the dangerous nature of electricity. If not handled properly, electric devices and conductors can be fatal. It is  recommended tofollow the instructions precisely and with caution, or hire the services of a qualified professional in installing their devices. In fact, it would be better if you started installing small devices first to get the hang of it, before proceeding to a full scale installation to generate electricity for your entire household.

The concept of free energy is over a hundred years old, and free energy devices are being used by enthusiasts all over the world. A few devices that are considers the best choices, among this vast array of devices based on varying principles

Among the various users of free energy, is the inventor of floppy disk and other devices, Dr. Nakamat. The electricity for his entire huge house with over 30 guest rooms is generated using free energy devices, based on the principles of Nicola Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. Dr. Nakamat’s free energy system is so efficient that after expending tremendous amount of electricity for the needs of his house, the system still generates electrical energy to be sold to the Tokyo Electric Power Company!

Free energy systems linked to the grid and as a backup power source

If you are wondering whether there is any way to provide electricity for your household without having to pay any money to your electric company, free energy systems have the answer for you. If fact, believe it or not, you can actually make money by selling electricity to your electric company, using these systems! Free energy systems rely on well founded technology to deliver electricity to its users. These systems, if connected to the power grid, often ends up delivering electricity to the power grid.

Free energy devices utilise free resources available around us, such as the TV and radio waves around us, electrostatic charges present in the atmosphere, and radiant energy coming from outer space, mainly from the sun and other stars. These devices are very easy to install, if you follow the instructions carefully, you can install them yourself.

A good way to set up free energy devices is to interconnect them to the power grid. It will be better to have a battery backup in case of emergency. That way, your electric meter will seldom register any usage, as almost always, electricity will be drawn from the free energy device. In most cases, the electric meter registers transfer of current from the equipment to the power grid, enabling you to receive money or credits from your electric company.

The interconnection of free energy devices to your power grid is a simple process. It is advisable to have a battery backup, in the case of maintenance to your power system. The free energy system is connected to an Array DC Disconnect, which is connected to a charge controller. The charge controller is connected to a deep cycle battery which stores electrical energy as backup. The battery connected to a system meter, which is connected to a Main DC Disconnect, which is connected to an Inverter, which in turn, is connected to the AC Breaker Panel. The AC Breaker Panel is connected to both the household and the Kilowatt Per Hour Meter which is the link to the power grid.

The use of battery as a backup ensures that electricity is available for the household from the free energy system itself, even during downtime and in the case of maintenance to the power system.

Receive money rather than pay money for electricity!

Are you tired of paying a lot of money to your electric company monthly? Ever wondered if you could dispense with these bills without affecting your power consumption? What’s more, ever even dreamed that you could receive money from rather than pay money to your electric company? If your answer to at least one of the questions is, ‘Yes,’ then free energy systems have a solution for you. In fact, free energy systems have a number of solutions for you.

Free energy devices generate electricity for your home from energy sources around you. The over-a-century-old concept of free energy has been developed, modified, and refined by people all over the world. These enthusiasts, working tirelessly, have produced a number of different methods to generate energy free from a variety of resources. Some free energy systems have been analysed and found to be more effective than others. These systems are dependable and to suit the needs of average users.

Some of the free energy devices generate electricity from the electromagnetic energy from the TV and radio waves around us. Some other devices produce current electricity from static electricity. And yet another group of devices convert energy from radiation to electrical energy. You can select any of these devices based on your convenience. These devices are easy to install, and once set up, provide electricity for your entire household indefinitely.

If you want, you can give up your power grid altogether, and connect free energy systems as an offgrid power source, which will make you completely dependent on free energy systems for your energy needs. However, if you are already using a power grid, you can interconnect free energy systems to your power grid. That way, any extra electricity produced by the system will be delivered to your electric company, thereby earning you money or credit from the company. Just imagine the fact: not only do you have to no longer pay money to your electric company, but you can actually receive money from your electric company!

Free energy systems interlinked with the grid as a power source

Free energy systems allow you to generate electricity for your household without having to pay electricity bills. Some systems are so effective that they even let you make money by selling extra electricity to your electric company. Free energy systems rely on well founded technology to deliver free energy to its users. These systems are so efficient, that if connected to a power grid, you could end up gaining extra money or extra credit by selling electricity.

Free energy systems utilise simple energy generation methods such as generation of electricity from radio waves, generation of electric current from static electricity, and conversion of radiant energy to electric energy. Whichever method is used, the modes of installation of free energy systems are very similar and very easy to install.

If you have been dependent on power grid for your monthly electricity requirements, then the best way to install free energy systems is to interconnect them with your power grid. In this way, your electric meter will not tick as long as electricity is drawn from free energy devices. And almost always, electricity will be taken from those devices. In most cases, you can even make the meter tick backwards, by delivering extra electricity to your power grid. The process is known as net metering or net billing, and would give you money or credit, based on the policy of your electric company.

The interconnection of free energy devices to the power grid is fairly simple to do, and requires some auxiliary devices. The free energy system is connected to an Array DC Disconnect, which is then connected to an inverter. The output terminals of the inverter are connected to an AC Breaker Panel, and then to your household main switch. This process will link the free energy system to the power grid which is connected to your household main switch through a Kilowatt Per Hour Meter.

The interconnection of free energy systems to the power grid can be very efficient that your meter hardly registers any usage of electricity from the power grid, and often ticks backwards to indicate that you are selling electricity. Imagine selling electricity to rather than buying electricity from the power grid!

Free energy systems as an off-grid power source

Free energy systems allow you to generate electricity for your household without having to pay electricity bills. Free energy systems rely on well founded technology to deliver free energy to its users. These systems are so efficient that you could always fulfil the electricity requirements for your home, without paying a single penny in terms of electricity bills.

Free energy devices utilise simple and easy energy generation methods such as generation of electricity from radio waves, generation of electric current from static electricity, and conversion of radiant energy to electric energy. Whichever method is used, the modes of installation of free energy systems are very similar and very easy to implement.

If you want to dispense with the power grid altogether, or want the power grid and free energy systems completely independent of each other, connect free energy systems as offgrid power source systems. In this way, you can give up power grid altogether if you want to. But you won’t be able to sell extra electricity to the power grid.

The connection of free energy devices as offgrid power source systems is easy, and requires some auxiliary devices. A battery for backup is a good idea. A generator is also used to keep the battery charged during downtimes. The free energy system is connected to an Array DC Disconnect, which is connected to a charge controller. The charge controller is connected to a deep cycle battery which stores electrical energy as backup. The battery is connected to a system meter, which is connected to a Main DC Disconnect, which is connected to an Inverter. The Inverter is connected to a Generator as well as an AC breaker panel. The AC Breaker Panel is connected to household mains supply.

The use of battery as a backup ensures that electricity is available for the household from the free energy system itself, especially as the generator always keeps the battery charged even during downtime and maintenance of the power system.

Free energy from the skies

Free energy systems give you devices that provide free electricity for your home, indefinitely. The only cost incurred is the initial cost involved in the purchase and installation of devices. After that, you could enjoy the benefit of electricity for the requirements of your entire household, without having to pay a single penny to electric companies.

Free energy devices works on a number of principles, which form a small group of a large number of principles and methods invented by energy enthusiasts all over the world. One of the popular techniques used by free energy devices is the process of converting radiant energy in the atmosphere to electrical energy. Energy in the form of radiation is present in the atmosphere all the time. They come from the sun as well as other stars around the universe. They provide an inexhaustible source of energy from the skies that can be used to fulfil our energy requirements.

If you haven’t heard of the process of obtaining free energy from radiant energy, you will be surprised to know that this process was invented over a century ago, by Nicola Tesla. His brilliant invention of the magnifying transmitter was intended as the basic step of an ambitious idea to provide energy to people all over the world, free of cost. However, self interested financiers and other political factors kept Tesla’s invention away from the public. Later on various scientists and inventors have followed up on Tesla’s idea, and developed and modified devices that could harness energy from radiations to produce electricity. One of these inventors was Dr. Henry Thomas Moray who built up on Tesla’s invention that utilises radiation to generate free energy. But again, politics and money won the day, and Moray’s invention too was kept in the dark.

However, a number of energy enthusiasts have worked tirelessly on the idea of free energy; and as a result of over a century of research and development, we have a number of proven techniques for obtaining free energy. One of them is electricity from radiant energy from the skies. Free energy advocates warmly recommend this procedure, and present a number of advanced equipments, that will help you provide free energy for your household needs.

Free energy from static electricity

Would you like to generate electricity for your home month after month, without paying hefty electricity bills? If so, free energy systems have the perfect answer for you. There are a range of free energy products that can be used to generate electricity for your home from free resources. These devices are based on a wide variety of principles. In fact, there are numerous devices invented by energy enthusiasts around the world. Some of these techniques have been refined and modified for maximum efficiency and consistency.

One of the devices uses static electricity around us to produce usable electricity for your home. Our atmosphere always contains electrostatic charges. With proper equipment, these static charges can be harnessed to produce electric current.

The following is a device that you can construct yourself to illustrate the concept of free energy from static electricity. A long wire acts as the main absorber of electrostatic charges in the atmosphere. This wire must be laid out without touching any other conductor, either vertically, or in an S shape if space is a constraint. You can use nylon thread to insulate ends of the wire to ensure that the wire does not touch any other conducting material. The longer the wire is, the more the charge collected; and similarly, the higher the wire is placed, the more the charge gathered.

Once the wire has been installed correctly, you must use additional components to convert the static electricity into current electricity. The wire is connected to a spark plug, a condenser, an ignition coil, a diode, and a battery, with some of the components grounded. These elements allow the static charges to be stored in the battery, which can be connected to your household circuit to generate electricity for your home. You can improve the efficiency of this device by several tweaks, such as using a rectifier instead of a diode, and so on.

The amount of electricity produced depends a lot on weather conditions, as the amount of electrostatic charges on the atmosphere depends on the weather. A lot of wind increases the efficiency of the devices, but humidity in the atmosphere makes the device less efficient.

The device serves to demonstrate the proof of concept of free energy systems that generate electricity for your home using static electricity as the energy source.

Why pay monthly electricity bills?

Are you tired of paying hefty sums to your electric company just for your household energy requirements? Do you wish there were a way to avoid this expense without reducing your use of energy? Actually, there is a way; in fact, there are several ways by which you can get enough electricity for your home without paying any money as monthly charges. Tesla’s Secret Device provides you with a multitude of equipments and techniques that enable you to harness free energy from a variety of sources around you. With proper installation and use of these devices, you could even end up making money by selling electricity to your electric company.

How do the Tesla’s Secret Device works? These systems garner energy from any of a number of free energy sources around you. Electricity can be generated from the TV and Radio signals present in the atmosphere. Though the primary purpose of these signals is not to be utilised as a source of energy, with proper equipment and technique, they can be a very desirable source for the generation of electricity. Usable current electricity can be generated from static electricity. Solar and cosmic radiation, ever present around us, provides us with an inexhaustible source of energy that could be converted to electrical energy without any recurring expense. And there are several other methods as well.

In fact, energy enthusiasts all around the world have been developing and improving free energy systems for years. The Internet is full of information on such technology. With knowledge, training, testing, and verification, you could employ any of these systems to provide free energy for your home. Tesla’s Secret Device uses a few methods, which offers you the most efficient, dependable, and cost effective methods to generate electricity for your home. These systems are also very easy to set up by the users. With just a little training, you could install the system in your home.

If you are interested in saving money on your monthly electricity bills, maybe it is time to wake up to the fact that there are several alternative, inexpensive methods for generation of energy, available to you.

Simple free energy systems for your home

Free energy systems provide equipment for your home that help you generate electricity from energy sources around you. Once you install free energy devices, you won’t have to pay monthly electricity bills ever again!

Free energy products work on different principles, developed by free energy specialists all over the world. Out of a wide variety of techniques, some free energy methods have been found to be more effective and dependable. One of these techniques involve the generation of electricity from TV and radio waves around us. Another involves the production of electricity from electrostatic charges in the atmosphere. Yet another method focuses on the conversion of radiant energy ever present in the atmosphere to electrical energy.

Whatever the technique used, free energy systems are reliable and easy to set up. The installation process is so simple that you can easily do it yourself, without the help of any professional electrician. To set up a free energy system for your home, you would need a few auxiliary devices such as a charge controller, a battery, and an inverter. You could also use a system meter between the battery and the inverter, to determine how much electric charge is left in the battery.

The free energy device is connected to a charge controller for regulation of electric charge from the device. The charge controller is then connected to a battery for storage of energy produced by the free energy system. Batteries tend to work better in warm temperatures, so it might be a good idea to encase the battery in a battery box. The battery box also helps you keep things clean and organised.

The battery, with or without the battery box, is then connected to an inverter. Once done, the output of the inverter can be connected to the mains of your house. That is all the set up required for a free energy device. Once done, you can say good bye, and happily too, to your electricity bills!

TV and radio waves as a source of electricity

Free energy systems deliver electricity for your household needs free of cost. One of the many devices popularised by free energy advocates uses TV and radio waves to produce electricity. This might come as a surprise to you, as these waves as not even intended for that purpose. However, you must realise that TV and radio signals are electromagnetic waves, and all electromagnetic waves possess some amount of electromagnetic energy. All you need is an appropriate device to convert this energy to usable electrical energy.

Radio waves are all around us. The working of our radio, TV, and even cell phones relies on the transmission of radio waves. These waves are among the longest waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, and could be the size of a football or the size of a football field. These electromagnetic signals can be a very good source of electrical energy.

The following describes a few devices that you can construct using simple components, that will demonstrate to you that electricity can be generated from radio waves. One device consists of an antenna that is connected to a variety of devices such as capacitors, variable capacitors, inductors, diodes, chokes, and resistors in a specific order. Many of these components are grounded. At the other end of this network, the terminals keep providing electric current continuously. With a number of such devices, you could generate enough electricity for your home.

In fact, the above mentioned process can be demonstrated with an even simpler device, consisting of just an antenna, conducting wires, and terminals. The voltage produced would be much smaller and less controllable, but the device still serves as the proof of concept of generation of electricity from radio waves.

Yet another device that could be used to demonstrate the working principles of similar free energy systems consists of an antenna, connected to a series of diodes and capacitor banks which are earthed. The terminals between the endpoints of the capacitor bank generate electricity at a continuous rate. However you must be very careful while conducting this experiment, as the grounding of the capacitor bank can be dangerous to people living near you, especially if they are taking a shower or using water from the main supply.

A device to harness free energy, from a hundred years ago!

The  concept of free energy from resources, is hardly a recent innovation or development. Believe it or not, a device to harness free energy was developed more than a century ago. The inventor was none other than Nicole Tesla, considered by many as the father of electricity. In 1899, at Shoreham, Long Island, Tesla constructed a huge magnifying transmitter, a device that could convert radiant energy always present in the atmosphere to electrical energy. However, his revolutionary invention did not receive the publicity it deserved, and remains in obscurity even today, because of several reasons.

For the funding of his huge project, Tesla needed the help of an investor, J. P. Morgan. Tesla tried to keep the entire implication of his device from his investor, but in the end was forced to reveal the full possibilities of the magnifying transmitter. Instead of being elated by this invention, the investor feared the huge downward impact it would have on electrical companies, and refused further funding of the project. He even went to the extent of lobbying other investors to prevent them lending money to Tesla.
Tesla’s laboratory was burned to the ground, though there was no evidence leading to the investor for this act. And eventually, Tesla’s dream of ‘Free energy for All’ suffered a very premature end.

 Or did it? True enough, the magnifying transmitter did not receive the expected interest and popularity. People, to this day, rely on hydroelectric and fuel based power plants for their electricity requirements. But Tesla’s ideas did transcend to a number of enthusiasts all over the world who kept working tirelessly on the concept of free energy over the years. And over the course of a century, several efficient and reliable equipments have been constructed that enable the conversion of energy from free resources to electrical energy.

Free Energy systems developed with deep knowledge and intense care are available. Such systems can be easily set up in your home, with very little expertise. Once set up, they provide for your energy requirements for years and years. You won’t have to pay hefty electricity bills anymore!

Tesla's Success With Free Energy

Free Energy offer a number of dependable and effective ways to procure enough energy to meet the requirements of your household, without paying monthly electricity bills. If you have not heard of free energy before, you might think of this as a novel idea. In that case, you would be surprised to hear that the basic idea behind FREE systems can be traced back to over a century, right to a brilliant invention by the renowned scientist and inventor, Nicola Tesla.

Even as early as 1899, Nicola Tesla invented a device called the magnifying transmitter. This device could convert radiant energy in the atmosphere to electrical energy without any additional resource for its operation. This should have been a revolutionary invention, as it meant providing electricity to millions and millions of people with very little or no cost at all.

However, Tesla was dependent on an investor, J. P. Morgan, for financial support for his project. Once he realised the full implication of Tesla’s invention, the financier was more alarmed than pleased, as it meant loss of millions of dollars in terms of profit for electric companies. He immediately refused any further assistance to the development of the transmitter. Furthermore, he used his influence among other investors to make sure that no one provided any financial support for Tesla. And worst of all, Tesla’s laboratory was found burned to the ground, though no evidence was found to indict the investor. And that was the end of Tesla’s dream of free energy for everyone.

Well, in some ways, it was; and in other ways, it was not. The electric companies got what they wanted. Free energy remains a mystery to the common people to this day. The companies keep getting millions and billions of dollars of profit every year. But even amid such setbacks, Tesla refused to give in completely. He no longer had the money to develop his magnifying transmitter the way he had intended. But he still constructed a miniature version of it. The scaled down version of the device could not produce energy in huge amounts. But it still provided the much needed proof of concept of its working.

And that was more than enough to keep Tesla’s invention alive! A few scientists, engineers, and even hobbyists, gained interest in Tesla’s invention; and soon, more and more people were inventing devices for free energy based on one principle or another. The trend caught on, albeit among a minority of people, and now we have a century of research, analysis, invention, and improvement on a number of methods to produce electricity from free energy resources. Free Energy Devices just represent a class of a much wider range of products invented. Even with abundant money, power, and influence, and despite their best efforts, the electric companies could not completely quell the concept of or inventions on free energy!

FREE Energy Systems for Free & Cheap Electricity

Free Energy systems are devices and techniques for harnessing energy directly from the various sources. Such devices convert other forms of energy to electrical energy for use in your home. Actually there are a number of methods available for the purpose; but most systems focuses on mainly three methods. The three methods have been proven to be efficient, easy to use, and incur very low cost for implementation. These are the utilization of TV and Radio waves, utilization of static electricity, and utilization of radiant energy, to generate electricity.

However, everyone must bear in mind that electricity is very dangerous and has the potential to easily kill a person or even several people. One should never play with electrical equipments and always handle them with care. It is advised that proper training before handling their equipments, or better yet, recruiting of services of a qualified professional, to install their devices. In fact, it is recommended to start with simple devices, before moving on to more ambitious installation. Once you are familiar with the methods by building simple units, you could move on to a full fledged set up for your entire home.

Free Energy systems are being used by several people all over the world. They have been developed and refined by numerous energy enthusiasts from around the world. The Internet contains several blogs, articles, and videos by people who have successfully installed such systems or similar energy saving devices, and enjoying the benefits.

In fact, Dr. Nakamat, the inventor of floppy disks and other devices, use technology similar to that proposed by Nicola Tesla, to generate free electricity in his house. His entire four storey house is powered by electricity produced from radiation coming from outer space. He even says that, after generating enough electricity to power his enormous home with over 30 guest rooms, his system helps him gain money by selling excess electricity to the Tokyo Electric Power Company.